We Have No Excuse (Anymore) for Not Investing

Investing is key to building wealth overtime.

If you talk with just about any financially successful person, it is easy to see how much of their success comes from some sort of investment. Sometimes this investment is in education and sometimes it is an investment in real estate or the stock market. 

Investing today is essential in creating more for ourselves tomorrow.

And in the past, investing was much harder than it is today. 

If you wanted to invest in the stock market 40 years ago you would have to open up the phone book to find someone to help you do that. Now there are dozens of apps for your phone that you can use to invest with just a few swipes. 

If you want to learn a new skill or trade, you can find an endless amount of information about it with a one Google search. In the past, the excuse of “I don’t know how” held some weight but no longer. 

The key difference between those that are successful and those that aren’t is no longer the lack of information.  Information is right at our fingertips all the time.

The true difference now is that some people apply the information and some don’t. 

We all have to have the courage to ask ourselves what investment we need to make in our own lives to get where we want to go. 

It may be brushing your teeth, running every day, or investing money for your future. 

The key, however, is not just knowing what you need to do but actually applying that knowledge. 

Derek Sivers said it best.

“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

Disclaimer: This is meant for educational purposes only and is not tax, investment, or legal advice.